Newsletter for April 2024

A quick look at April’s Mindset Mastery action. We are talking podcasts, awards, podcast milestones, events, and more…

How AntiManipulation Came To Be.

You might be wondering where the idea for “AntiManipulation” came from. It turns out that like every good tale, it all started a long time ago…

Mastering your Mindset

Let’s discuss all things mindset.

From how to change your mindset to how to keep a positive outlook, we’ll cover it all.

Could You Be Manipulated?

Could you be manipulated into buying something you didn’t need? You’re probably thinking “No”, and you’re probably wrong. Here’s why…

Buyer’s Remorse

Why do we sometimes regret buying things, and is it always our fault? Let’s quickly explore Buyer’s Remorse.

One Size Does NOT Fit All!

Beware the coach or the guru selling you The One True Solution to your needs – one size definitely does NOT fit all!

How Keith Helped Kate Quit Drinking Wine

How Keith helped Kate to feel hangover-free, fitter, and much healthier all round by banishing “wine o’clock” from her life for good in a single session.

Success and Money Image showing piles of money, getting higher and higher from left to right

Success and Money

So often we believe we lack success because we don’t have any money to show for it. We fall into the trap of believing success = money…

Tips For Surviving Zoom Calls

Zoom, FaceTime, Skype – the list of video call options is seemingly endless, and they are all a core part of our lives these days.
But how can we make the most of them, avoid fatigue, and be truly ourselves on them?

New Year New Me! – Why wait?!

“New Year, New Me!” We’ve all said it at one point – many of us say it every single year. And it’s the LEAST effective way to change!

The Visibility Paradox

Being visible can be scary for so many of us; yet sometimes we must be visible to achieve our aims. How do we resolve he Visibility Paradox?

5 Reasons Why You’ll Keep Your Fears

Despite the fact that it is possible get rid of our fears, some people will do everything they can to cling on to them. Why? Letโ€™s take a look!

Phobias : Why Do We Have Them?

Why do we have fears or phobias? Often when someone suffers from a phobia, one of their biggest questions is “Why me?!” That’s what we look at here!

Motivation – The Simple Key.

What IS motivation? How can you re-ignite your miotivation when your get-up-and-go has got-up-and-gone? What is the underlying secret?

Why Doesn’t Change Last?

Why is it that you can want to make lasting change, but no matter what you do, the old habits come back again within a matter of days? How do you stop it?

Happy Skyscraper Day

Did you know that the 3rd of September is skyscraper day? Itโ€™s a day where we celebrate the achievements of building ever higher up into the sky…

Conquering Pippa’s Phone Phobia

What do you do if you know you need to make “those” phonecalls to grow business, but the thought scares you into not doing them? This is what Pippa did…

Earliest Memory – Pump My Fear

I unearthed an old childhood memory recently, about something which scared me, but looking back I can now see the real lessons! What about you?


Albert Einstein said that all problems are problems of the imagination; and all solutions are solutions of the imagination. Let’s see what he meant…

How Keith Helped Shy TV Star

How Keith helped Franny Treymaine to find her confidence and become a shining and much-loved star in the hit BBC TV show “Love In the Countryside”

Keith’s 6 Step Model For Change

Discover Keith’s 6-step model for change which he uses to great effect with his clients – you can use this too to make the changes you need to in your life!

How Keith helped Ben Quit Smoking

It costs us so much, both in terms of money and health. And yet for many it feels really hard to quit smoking without some sort of help…

How Keith Helped Juliette Lose Weight

Stop eating chocolate? Eat regular meals? Drink plenty of water? Juliette wanted to do all these things – together we helped her nail them!

Publicly Singing in Parliament Square

Ruta, a trained singer, was still terrified of the thought of performing in front of an audience. After 1 hour with Keith, she sang in Parliament Square!

Arachnophobia to Apathy in 1 Session

If I saw a spider I’d freeze and my partner would have to get rid; I’d totally freak out at the sight of one! And now? I just feel total apathy toward spiders.

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