Case Study

How Keith Helped Kate Quit Drinking Wine

Blog featured image Kate Wine

How Keith helped Kate to feel hangover-free, fitter, and much healthier all round by banishing “wine o’clock” from her life for good in a single session.

Conquering Pippa’s Phone Phobia

Blog featured image Pippa phone phobia

What do you do if you know you need to make “those” phonecalls to grow business, but the thought scares you into not doing them? This is what Pippa did…

How Keith Helped Shy TV Star

Blog Featured Image Franny Love In The Countryside

How Keith helped Franny Treymaine to find her confidence and become a shining and much-loved star in the hit BBC TV show “Love In the Countryside”

How Keith helped Ben Quit Smoking

Blog featured iamge Ben Shorter

It costs us so much, both in terms of money and health. And yet for many it feels really hard to quit smoking without some sort of help…

Publicly Singing in Parliament Square

Blog featured iamge Ruta Kaite

Ruta, a trained singer, was still terrified of the thought of performing in front of an audience. After 1 hour with Keith, she sang in Parliament Square!

Arachnophobia to Apathy in 1 Session

Blog featured iamge David Oakley

If I saw a spider I’d freeze and my partner would have to get rid; I’d totally freak out at the sight of one! And now? I just feel total apathy toward spiders.