7 Great Reasons why Hypnosis is Actually Better via Zoom!

It turns out that hypnotherapy via Zoom is not only effective, but it can actually be more effective than in-person hypnotherapy!

Table of Contents

How We Got Here

When we first went into COVID Lockdown, I had a lot of people assuming that this meant my coaching business was closed – after all, if nobody can travel or meet up, how on earth could I successfully coach using hypnosis and NLP, right?

The reality is that for all of these tools, there is no need to be physically present!

After all, unlike stage hypnosis which makes great use of touch-based “rapid inductions” (which we’ll explore in a separate article if there is enough interest, let me know!), in a therapy or coaching environment there is no need for any physical interaction or connection at all.

Which means that it is entirely possible to work remotely via technologies such as Zoom, Skype, FaceTime and more (even telephone).

Indeed, I have been successfully working with clients around the global using these technologies for many years, and certainly long before Lockdown. For example, I live in Scotland, and my furthest away client was a lady in New Zealand. We did it all via Zoom, and she got fantastic results.

Interestingly, it turns out that working remotely via Zoom etc (to save typing from this point I’ll refer to Zoom, but this also applies to all other forms) is not only effective, but it is actually more effective – there are several advantages to working remotely which make it an even better option than in-person sessions!

Why Is It Better?

So let’s take a look at seven great reasons why hypnosis is actually better via zoom.

  1. Safety
    There is no getting away from it, sometimes the thought of going to a stranger’s place and expecting to be alone with them and to be fully relaxed can be unnerving for some people. Or the thought of having a stranger in one’s house alone with you, sadly in this day and age can feel unsafe.
    By working remotely via Zoom, there is absolutely no safety concern – neither for the client nor for the hypnotist.
  2. No travel
    When we go to a hypnotist we can already feel a little stressed – after all, we are about to confront a part of us which we have been hiding or fighting for a long time.
    Now add in the added stress of travelling to somewhere new. Whether it’s driving and finding somewhere to park, or navigating trains and busses, it’s a pain – and that’s even with no delays!
    With zoom, the furthest you have to travel is to your computer. Nice and stress-free.
  3. Comfort
    Part of the whole process of going into trance is to be able to relax; and that is a whole lot easier when you feel comfortable!
    By working remotely via Zoom, you can do it from the comfort of your favourite chair in your own home, surrounded by your own things – what better place to feel safe and relaxed and comfortable? Far more comfortable than trying to relax in a strange chair in a strange environment – at no matter how much the hypnotist might try to make their office feel comfy, it still feels a bit “clinical”.
  4. Relax deeper
    All of these mean that when it comes to the hypnosis itself, you are able to feel safe and confident enough to let go and to fully relax, which means that you can go quicker and deeper into trance.
    Which means you get even better results, faster.
  5. Using your surroundings
    By having you in your own home for your hypnosis, the hypnotist can make use of your surrounding to help you go more deeply into trance, and to help you continue to change and grow long after your session.
    For example, sitting in your favourite chair makes the cigarette cravings vanish; or the sound of your clock soothes your worries; or the sight of your TV makes you feel more productive, or…
    A great way to ensure even longer lasting and deeper powerful results – it’s like having your hypnotist with you long after your session is over!
  6. Relaxed afterwards
    By working remotely via Zoom, you do not have to face the hassle of that long arduous trip back home again after your session. Which means that after you’ve finished and your Zoom is ended, you can continue to enjoy the warm positive feelings which came out of your session.
    You see, the change process doesn’t stop happening when the hypnosis session finished!
    When you go to the gym, much of your body’s growth happens afterwards as your body grows as it recovers from the session.
    And so it is with coaching – the real magic happens in the minutes, hours, even days afterwards, as your unconscious mind continues to process what’s been explored.
    By being able to be a little more relaxed afterwards, by avoiding piling on the stress of travelling back home, you give your mind the important space to continue to process what’s been happening uninterrupted, and to continue to make those new connections at the deep level rapidly and permanently.
    In short, you get even more powerful results more rapidly!
  7. Lower costs
    By not paying for a luxurious office in a prestigious Harley Street location (or anywhere else, for that matter), the hypnotist has lower costs, which means they can pass some of these savings on to you the client – sometimes this is in the form of lower fees, sometimes it is in the form of free additional time or other bonuses for you.
    Of course you don’t have travel expenses to get to where-ever the office would be so it’s also cheaper for you – both in terms of no travel costs, and no travel time.
    Lower costs all round.

Here To Stay

As I mentioned, I’ve been using it successfully for many years already, long before Lockdown started, and in the past year a great many more hypnotherapists have grown and adapted their way of working to enable them to work remotely with their clients too.

It’s certainly here to stay. While many hypnotists will return to in-person consultations from their offices, many others will continue to embrace the advantages of remote working, to the considerable benefit of their clients.

So next time you are considering working with a hypnotherapist, don’t think that you have to find one local to you – the world is very much your oyster, you can find the right hypnotist for you, regardless of where in the world you and they are!

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Picture of Keith Blakemore-Noble

Keith Blakemore-Noble

Award-winning coach, international speaker, multi-time best-selling author, hypnotist, occasional magician, and writer of this post, Keith spent his first 40 years suffering from several phobias including being terrified of speaking with strangers. After one incident too many, he started studying and training in NLP & hypnosis to conquer his own issues, found he was rather good at it, and changed careers (aided by redundancy at just the right moment after 20 years in IT). He helps people transform their deepest fears into their greatest strengths, and having helped over 5,000 people across 5 continents, he is the UK's #1 Fear Strategist.