How Keith Helped Juliette Lose Weight

Stop eating chocolate? Eat regular meals? Drink plenty of water? Juliette wanted to do all these things - together we helped her nail them!

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When it comes to weightloss, everyone is different.

For some people, it’s just a single tweak they are seeking, and they are on their way.

For others, there are several different issues which all need to be fully addressed if they are to work together in harmony and get the desired results – here it’s no use addressing just one issue and leaving the others unresolved, as they will just continue to work against your desired goals.

When Juliette came to be, she had several different aspects which all needed to be addressed.

  • She wanted to cut out eating chocolate without feeling she was denying herself a pleasure.
  • She wanted to drink more water without having to keep thinking about it.
  • She wanted to have much better consistency in terms of daily meals – both what was in them, and just ensuring she ate regularly.

Working together, we devised a plan which we worked through over the course of 3 sessions.

First, we worked on that chocolate addiction.

When there’s a food which we love a little too much, it can be tricky. If we just decide to avoid it, then we risk the cravings kicking in and binging.

As Juliette said in her own words, “I would go through bags of chocolate like these small little KitKats, and I would actually eat two bags before I realised that I’d stuffed all of this down my throat“.

We worked to change Juliette’s unconscious perception off chocolate, so that now she sees it as something far less desirable. The choice to eat or not to eat is there, but she just doesn’t fancy the idea of chocolate.

So not eating chocolate no longer felt like a hardship, no longer feels like denying herself something tasty, and so avoiding chocolate is so much easier. Indeed, the thought of eating chocolate just doesn’t arise any ore.

Then we worked on the meal discipline.

This focused on two different aspects – regular set meal times, and improving the content of the meals.

With both of these in place, eating regular balanced meals became a pleasure rather than a chore. But ensuring she automatically ate regular meals and didn’t skip them when busy, Juliette has been able to significantly reduce her snacking in the process, which as you can imagine has massive benefits!

Finally, water consumption.

Most of us know the importance of drinking enough water each day – benefits range from reducing appetite to healthier skin, to increased energy / stamina / concentration, to helping to naturally flush out unhelpful tonics from our system, and so much more.

Most of us also, if we are honest with ourselves, would admit that oftentimes we struggle to ensure we actually drink enough water. Juliette was no exception.

She knew how much she wanted to drink, she had some ideas on how she might do that, but everyday life has this habit of getting in the way, doesn’t it?

So we did some mindset work together, tweaking things slightly, and now she has no problem drinking enough water every day without even having to think about it, and certainly without it being a chore.

The results.

By the end of our sessions together, Juliette felt that she had what she’d been seeking – choice.

it’s giving me actually choice where before there was no choice. For me it’s been very much about bringing that degree of consciousness into my food patterns.“.

If you want help losing weight or improving your eating habits, let’s have a chat.

In Her Own Words

“Hi, my name is Juliet Kahraman, I work with Keith on bringing some consciousness into certain foods that I was bingeing on – I would go through bags of chocolate like these small little KitKats, and I would actually eat two bags before I realised that I’d stuffed all of this down my throat.

So we did the first session where we actually substitute chocolate with something which I find disgusting.

I now see chocolate and I’m conscious of “Oh, that’s chocolate. Do I want it? Do I not want it?” So it’s giving me actually choice where before there was no choice.

For me it’s been very much about bringing that degree of consciousness into my food patterns. So where I have a choice instead of just having a behaviour which is an addiction.

The same with water. I wasn’t drinking enough water and now I’m actually conscious where my body’s asking for it.

I would definitely recommend working with him and see if you can figure out where where he can help you.”

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Keith Blakemore-Noble

Award-winning coach, international speaker, multi-time best-selling author, hypnotist, occasional magician, and writer of this post, Keith spent his first 40 years suffering from several phobias including being terrified of speaking with strangers. After one incident too many, he started studying and training in NLP & hypnosis to conquer his own issues, found he was rather good at it, and changed careers (aided by redundancy at just the right moment after 20 years in IT).ย He helps people transform their deepest fears into their greatest strengths, and having helped over 5,000 people across 5 continents, he is the UK's #1 Fear Strategist.