
The One About Hidden Benefits

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Uncover the hidden benefits that stop change – secondary gain explained. Keith digs into overcoming hidden benefits in this solo episode.

Why Doesn’t Change Last?

Blog featured image why change doesnt last

Why is it that you can want to make lasting change, but no matter what you do, the old habits come back again within a matter of days? How do you stop it?


Blog featured image Imagine

Albert Einstein said that all problems are problems of the imagination; and all solutions are solutions of the imagination. Let’s see what he meant…

How Keith Helped Shy TV Star

Blog Featured Image Franny Love In The Countryside

How Keith helped Franny Treymaine to find her confidence and become a shining and much-loved star in the hit BBC TV show “Love In the Countryside”

Keith’s 6 Step Model For Change

Blog featured image 6 step Change model

Discover Keith’s 6-step model for change which he uses to great effect with his clients – you can use this too to make the changes you need to in your life!