The One About Living Your Truth

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The Keith Blakemore-Noble Radio Show
The Keith Blakemore-Noble Radio Show
The One About Living Your Truth
Explore "Living Your Truth" with Keith Blakemore-Noble, delving into authenticity, self-awareness, and aligning actions with core values for a fulfilling life.

Table of Contents

About This Episode

Welcome to The Keith Blakemore-Noble Radio Show! In today’s solo episode, I explore the transformative concept of “Living Your Truth.” Discover how living authentically can drastically improve your peace, fulfilment, and resilience.

What does living your truth truly mean? Itโ€™s about aligning your actions, decisions, and entire life with your deepest values. How often do you stop and consider whether you are living the life you truly want or the life others expect you to? I break down the struggles many face, including societal expectations, fear of judgment, and lack of self-knowledge.

You’ll learn practical steps to start living your truth, from self-reflection to embracing vulnerability. Iโ€™ll share engaging stories and examples from my 15 years of experience as a coach. By understanding and defeating limiting beliefs, setting boundaries, and taking consistent small steps, you can transform your life.

Key Themes

  • Living authentically
  • Aligning with core values
  • Self-awareness and reflection
  • Challenging limiting beliefs
  • Setting personal boundaries
  • Facing societal expectations
  • Fear of judgement
  • Embracing vulnerability
  • Fulfilment and resilience
  • Deep, meaningful connections

The Masks We Wear

Cover stack alpha

We all wear masks throughout life.

  • But what are they?
  • Where do they come from?
  • Why are they so dangerous?
  • And how can we get rid of them?

Using my own lifeโ€™s journey as an illustration, I take you on a journey of discovery introducing your masks, helping you releasing your masks, and shares with you a life beyond your masks.

Part 1 โ€“ Introducing Your Masks
Part 2 โ€“ Releasing Your Masks
Part 3 โ€“ Beyond Your Masks

Available to order from all good book stores (paperback and ebook) or directly from me.


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Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:00:26]:
Here’s your host, Keith Blakemore Noble.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:00:32]:
Hello. Welcome. Welcome to another solo episode. Great to have you with me. Thank you so much for joining me. Remember, you can catch this and all the other episodes, or anywhere that you get podcasts. So Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Audible, Spotify, YouTube. Anywhere that you find podcasts, you’ll find all the episodes of The Keith Blakemore-Noble Radio Show.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:00:56]:
You can also go to You’ll find Keith Blakemore-Noble Radio Show yet there. You’ll find this episode with all the show notes. You’ll find all the other episodes, the show notes, contact, further information, additional reading, all that sort of great stuff. It’s all there. And please do remember, give us a like, a comment, a share, and subscribe. Give us a review on your favourite platform. That would really mean a lot if you would go on to your favourite platform and give a review.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:01:25]:
What are we talking about today? Today, we are talking about living your truth. Now I wanna make one thing clear right up front. I’m not talking about truth as in, you say the world is round. I say the world is flat. My truth is the world is flat. Therefore, it is flat. And all that heath spoiler. The world is round.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:01:45]:
No. We’re not talking about that sort of truth. There are things where the truth is the truth, and it can be objectively, determined. It can be proved. It can be shared. Now when I say living your truth, what I mean by that is it’s it’s kind of a shorthand. It’s a shorthand for aligning your actions, your decisions, and your whole life, aligning it with your deepest values. It’s about living authentically.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:02:14]:
It’s about being you, living true to yourself, being true to who you are. It’s about dropping masks. Could be a book in there somewhere. And it’s but it’s about being authentically you, living truthfully, living true to your values, your purpose, just being who you truly are. Much easier just to say living your truth. Right? That’s a heck of a matter of all, otherwise, to say. So when I talk about living your truth, it’s not a it’s not a trendy phrase phrase even. It’s just talking about all this alignment of your actions, your values, your, your decisions, your life.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:02:55]:
It’s about living your true self, being who you truly are. So, let me ask you, how often do you stop and consider whether you are living the life that you truly want, or whether you’re living the life that others expect you to live? Maybe you felt the weight of the pressure of society’s expectations upon you, or or maybe you’ve struggled with the fear of being rejected, or or maybe you’re living the way you are because that’s what your parents say wanted you to do, or maybe you’re you’d do things because you think your friends expect it. It all weighs us down in the end. It really does weigh us down. And when we when we live authentically, when we live to our true selves, when we live our truth, you unlock peace, you unlock fulfilment, you unlock resilience, and life becomes a whole lot more enjoyable. I’m not saying it’s always easy. It’s not. Sometimes it’s really difficult, but, ultimately, it is so worth it in the end.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:04:01]:
And, I mean, I’ve I’ve I’ve worked with I mean, I’ve been doing this stuff for 14 years, nearly 15 years now. I’ve worked with clients, some of whom have spent decades pursuing careers or even lifestyles. Just kind of have them feeling disconnected. They were doing it because others expected them to or because it was that’s the way you do it. Right? Once they connected with their truth, their inner truth, with who they truly were, That’s when everything changed for them. Life really opened up. We’ll probably touch on a couple of examples as we go through this episode. So what does living your truth mean? It’s, it’s about living it starts with self awareness.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:04:45]:
It’s about understanding what your core values are. Now your core values, these are the things which are important to you. These are the things which are a a core part of your of your being. They’re usually a single word, maybe a couple of words. Values, they’re things that could be things like, loyalty, fairness, happiness, adventure, safety, security, success, friendship, relationships, all of these sort of money, health, all of these things. Any of these things could be values. We all have our own set of values, things which are important to us. When we live life in alignment with our values, things are so much better for us.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:05:30]:
When we live life out of alignment with our values, that’s when, that’s when things really do start to go wrong. That’s when life becomes so much more of a slog. You see, when you align your values and your actions, thing many things happen. Fulfilment. See, when your life reflects your values, you feel a sense of satisfaction. You feel fulfilment because you’re living according to what’s important to you. If helping others is a high value for you and you live life in such a way that you are of service and you do help others, plenty of fulfilment there. Much satisfaction.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:06:10]:
Life becomes a whole lot better. It’s authenticity as well when we when we live truth, when we live according to our our truth, our values, it strengthens you and it strengthens your relationships, and it builds up trust because people can see we are not pretending. We’re not hiding behind masks. We’re not being something that we’re not. We are being true to ourselves. That really does strengthen your relationships, builds trust, makes life so much more powerful. And it also engenders resilience. See, aligning with your truth, aligning with your values gives you the strength to face life’s challenges because now well, now you’re doing it for something that’s even more important.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:06:57]:
So these are all facets or all areas in which our life becomes so much richer, so much more enjoyable, so much more powerful when we live our truth, live according to our our values. I mean, imagine imagine somebody who was passionate, really lot of to tell them that’s what they’ve ended up doing. Yeah. They might succeed on paper. They might be bringing a lot of money in, but are they really fulfilled? Probably not because it doesn’t light them up. It hasn’t got that spark working in finance the way that art would. Living their truth. Yeah.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:07:48]:
Now that might mean incorporating art into their life. Doesn’t necessarily mean that they ditch everything and become an artist, but what it does mean is they can bring art more into their life, perhaps in as as a hobby, perhaps even finding ways to work finance in the art sector when you bring these things that we’re passionate about into our life. That’s what I’m talking about. That’s living your truth. So I mentioned authenticity a couple of times. Why do so many of us struggle with it? Three big reasons. We’ve got the expectations from society. Success society.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:08:28]:
Society will often dictate what, our lives should look like. Society dictates what success looks like. Society dictates the kind of careers we should have, the kind of lifestyle we should live, leave the kind of behaviour we should be should be following. And it’s so easy. It’s all so easy to fall into the trap of living living for others rather live rather than living life for yourself. We do things because that’s what society says we should do. As I ask him, the masks we wear, the book, the mask we wear, who were you before society told you who you should be? When you live your truth, you’re living according to who you were before you fell for the all the pressures of societal expectations. Coupled with this is a fear of judgment.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:09:27]:
Often, we we, don’t fully express ourselves because what do people think if I say that, if I do that? Oh, they might not like me. They might judge me. It’s a bit scary. What if what if they think I’m weird? All of these fears can hold us back and stop us from being authentic. But you see, here’s the thing. Nobody’s universally liked. Everybody gets judged. Everybody has people who like them and people who dislike them, sometimes for reasons that they don’t even know themselves.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:10:03]:
You can’t live life trying to avoid judgment because you will always be judged. And let’s face it. We no matter how hard we try, we judge others as well. It’s just the way life is. So if you’re gonna be judged anyway, you might as well live the kind of life that you enjoy. Give them something to judge you for. Live your life your way. That’s what, living authentically.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:10:29]:
That’s not living your truth is all about. But against that fear of judgment that often, so often, hold us back. And I invite you to reflect upon it, and we’ll do that a little bit later on in this episode and see where are you allowing fear of what others might think to hold you back. Then there is also, another reason for our lack of authenticity and the thing that stops us living our truth, a lack of self knowledge. So many of us are so busy living our lives. We don’t take the time out for deep reflection. We just don’t have the time for it. Right? So you might not even know what your truth really is.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:11:14]:
You might not know what really does light you up if you’ve never paused and pondered and considered and reflected upon this. You might not know who, I guess, for one of a better better way of phrasing it, you might not know who you truly are, who you really are deep down inside. And if you don’t know who you truly are, how can you live life according to who you truly are? So these are some of the things that can hold us back and stop us from being our full authentic self. I mean, I had a client who was, you know, a few years ago. They were working in the tech sector. They were doing well, a good career, good, good good earnings, and so on, but they were just kind of feeling unfulfilled and hollow. Their passion, something they really felt drawn to was was was yoga, not just doing yoga, but actually teaching yoga and helping other people to master yoga. That’s that’s kind of what they want to do.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:12:15]:
That was their dream when they were growing up, but they were scared of the judgment of others and, oh, why are you giving up your career for that that that hippie stuff? And you know that sorts of things. So it held the held held them back for years. They stuck at the career that was bringing the money in, but just wasn’t lining them up. We worked together, helped them figure out who they truly were, and she started to make some changes. Now it didn’t happen overnight. Of course, it didn’t. It was the plane sailing. Of course, it’s not.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:12:52]:
But she started incorporating more of what she was drawn to until in the end, changed careers. She teaches yoga, teaches in yoga retreats, thoroughly loving life, really enjoying life, and enjoying success on her terms, enjoying what she feels makes her success makes makes her success. And altogether, it’s having a much more enjoyable and much less stressful life. It’s what happens when you live your truth, and it’s not doesn’t happen instantly. Yes. It can be difficult, but it’s worth it in the long run. Remember, every step you take towards authenticity, that’s a step towards your freedom. And one of the first steps is to recognise the struggles, recognise where you feel trapped, recognise where you feel unfulfilled.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:13:47]:
So what are some practical steps that you can take to help you to start living your truth? Now some of this is taken from my mindset mastery movement. Each month, we do a a deep exploration of a particular topic around personal development, around life. Throughout, throughout, November, we had a good detailed look at living your truth, what it was all about, and and and how how to do do it. So some of this is is, like a summary or a cold from from from bits of that. So I am gonna share with you 5 steps you can take to help you start down the path of living your truth. Remember, it’s not an instantaneous thing. You don’t wake up one day and go, you know what? This is my truth. That’s how I’m gonna live life, and then live happily ever after.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:14:39]:
There will be challenges. There will be setbacks. There will be judgment. It will be difficult. There will be pain along the road. And, you know, difficult. There will be pain along the route, and the end result is so much more worthwhile. So this the first step, the first thing you can do is a bit of self reflection.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:14:58]:
Set aside some quiet time. You could journal. You could meditate. Maybe you enjoy going for a nice walk in the forest or in the countryside, or even just a nice walk around around the city, just having a think to yourself. And what I’d encourage you to do is is just think over things like, what do I like? What do I enjoy? What makes me feel most alive? What were my dreams as a child? What did I want really want to be when I was growing up? What’s what are my values? Maybe you’ve never really considered. What what is important to me? What what are my values? What guides me? What’s important to me? What are the things which I need? So have a good think about those, good bit of self reflection. Take as much time as you need to think about this because the time’s gonna pass anyway. Spend some of that time thinking about it, because the more you put into this, the stronger your foundation and the greater your straightforward will be.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:16:05]:
Second thing to think about is, challenge your limiting beliefs. Now a limiting belief is s a belief we have about ourselves, which it limits us. It holds us back. You know, those sorts of things. Oh, I’m not good enough. I wish I could but, people like me, you know, don’t do that sort of thing. Or, if I do that, nobody’s gonna like me.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:16:28]:
No one’s gonna accept me. Or nobody can make a career out of doing I haven’t got what it takes to You know the sorts of things. Have a good think. What are your limiting beliefs? What are the things that hold you back? A great way to think about them is when you think about what you would like to do, what comes up? What are the objections that go on in here in your head? I would love to do this. Yeah. But what’s coming up? Challenge those. 1st step is note them all down. Note them down.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:17:03]:
Kinda challenge them. Realise that they’re not true. They’re just beliefs that we have, and often these beliefs come from from society or from the way we’re taught or, it’s stuff that’s just stuff that’s taught us, but don’t have to be true. I’m not good enough. Of course, you’re good enough. You absolutely are good enough. It’s just you’re being told you’re not good enough, or you’ve you’ve told yourself you’re not good enough. Doesn’t mean you’re not good enough.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:17:35]:
Yeah? So have a think about your limiting beliefs and start to challenge them. Find ways to to crack them open, to challenge them. Even if it’s just chiseling away a little bit at them, it all helps. It all starts to loosen it up. 3rd thing you can do is, is to set some boundaries. Now this can be very challenging. I will be totally upfront about this. It can be very challenging.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:18:03]:
However, it’s very important to have boundaries to protect your energy, to protect yourself, to protect your truth, to protect your way of life. Don’t say yes to everything. Get comfortable with saying no. And I don’t just mean say no for the sake of it, but say no to things, to opportunities, to commitments that don’t align with your values, don’t align with your truth, don’t help you to live your life the way you want to live it. Just because somebody asks you to do something or even tells you to do something, doesn’t mean you have to do it. Get comfortable with saying no. Get comfortable with setting boundaries and sticking to those boundaries, and you will get a lot of pushback from a lot of people to start with. But the more you do this, the more empowered you become and the more powerful your life becomes.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:19:03]:
Maybe start with small boundaries so that you start to get comfortable with setting boundaries and build up. Boundaries so that you start to get comfortable with setting boundaries and build up and build up. And if it’s something that you do find really challenging, speak with your coach about it or find a coach. It’s something that you can work on setting those boundaries, maintaining those boundaries. It will be difficult, but it will be so worth it. Start small with the boundaries. And in general, step 4, start small. It doesn’t have to be complete transformation of your life overnight.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:19:37]:
In fact, it won’t be. It’s too overwhelming. Why would you do that? But all you can do is start small. Once you’ve worked out who you truly are, once you’ve worked out who you were before society told you who you should be, when you’ve worked out what’s important to you, who you told you who you should be, when you worked out what’s important to you, who you want to be, start to take small steps. Maybe taking up a bit of a hobby that’s involved with it or maybe seeking out others that who who do that sort of thing. Get involved in social media groups around that that interest. Maybe start a passion project. Read books about it.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:20:14]:
Start small. Each step takes you closer and closer. Perhaps things like speaking your mind where in in a safe space, an area where you’re surrounded by supportive people, you can start to speak your mind more, share more about who you are. Start small, and it will build up. Like, a big avalanche starts with small small group of snow of flakes, and it builds up and it builds up. Same for you. Start small. Small steps will build up and take you on that journey.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:20:50]:
And that takes us to our 5th step, which is, embracing vulnerability. See, all that decision requires courage. It requires you to be open both to failure and to judgment, and that can be very daunting, and that’s okay. Again, you can start small with some of this. Maybe share some small small vulnerabilities with, with, with close people or even post something on your on your social media. Start small, build up, but embrace your vulnerability. You see, what happens when you do this? The more you do this, the stronger you become. More people will gravitate to you in a support of way because we get drawn to people who are able to be vulnerable, to be open.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:21:44]:
We perceive that as a great strength. And when you share some of your vulnerabilities, those will resonate with others who will go, hey. I’m not the only one. I like this person because they’ve been through the same things or they think the same things or they experience the same stuff. I get drawn to you. That’s how you start to build up. The other great thing when you embrace your vulnerability and you become open about everything takes the power away. So often we’re afraid that, oh, what if somebody knows this bit about me? When you’re vulnerable, you tell everyone about it.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:22:28]:
There’s nothing for anyone to expose. Nobody can expose that aspect of you because you’re open about it. You’re honest about it. You share about it. It takes away so much of the power of so much of the fear of, oh, what if people expose this? They can’t expose something that you freely, openly talk about and connect with people about and live your truth around. That makes it such a powerful thing to be vulnerable. And, yes, it is difficult. It is painful.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:22:58]:
Start slowly. Start small. Build up. Build up. It can take years, but it absolutely pays dividends. These days, there’s very little that that I won’t freely talk about in the right, in the right circumstances, in the right situation. Wasn’t like that in the past. Loads of stuff that I hid away and was was afraid people might find out.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:23:25]:
Nowadays, don’t talk about it. If you like it, call. If you don’t like it, hey. That sounds like a you problem. This is me. This is who I am. Embracing your vulnerability is such a powerful way of living your truth. So the more we do this, the more we do all of these things that we’ve spoken about, the more it’s gonna start transforming our life, the more we live live our truth, the more authentic our life becomes.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:23:59]:
It reduces stress because we’re doing things we enjoy rather than doing things we don’t like because we have to do them. Yeah. You’ll still be you’ll still have to do things you don’t like from time to time. That’s life. But you get to do more of the things you do enjoy. Reduces stress, because there’s a lot less anxiety, again, because you’re enjoying what you do. Because you’re vulnerable, there’s no anxiety about, oh, what if somebody finds this about me? Well, hey. I’ve been talking about it anyway.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:24:26]:
So if they suddenly discover it, big wow. They finally listened. It increases your confidence because the more you do this, the more you’re able to be you, the more confident you can be about it. As you realise, the world didn’t end just because I’m living as me, increases your confidence, and you get much deeper, much more meaningful connections with others. Because when you can open up, you will attract like minded people, and they feel safe and able to start opening up as well. And this creates a massive ripple effect throughout the world. But at the core, you create much more deep, meaningful relationships and connections with others, which makes for a much more enjoyable life. So, just that that’s kind of it.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:25:17]:
Hopefully, you’ve picked some useful bits out from this. Again, do give us a like, a comment, a share, subscribe, give us a review. And just remember that living your truth, it’s about aligning your life, with your core values. It’s a journey. It’s a journey of self reflection, of courage, a journey of consistent small steps. It’s a lifelong journey. There will be challenges. It there will be times where you think, oh god.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:25:49]:
This is hard. And that’s okay. It is worth it. The more you do this, the more it becomes worth it. If you’ve been inspired by us on this, hey. Why not check out my mindset mastery movement, the community where we cover these sorts of things and so much more. There’s tools, there’s supports, to help you on your journey. There’s coaching available if you if you, if you weren’t weren’t wish as well, and it all starts at just ยฃ20 a month.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:26:18]:
You can find all the details. Go to the show notes, Look for the one one about living your truth, and you’ll find a whole bit. All the information is there. Or go to, mindset mastery movement. Forget about it. See if it’s see if it’s for you. See if it’s the sort of thing that might help you with your journey of living authentically.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:26:42]:
Share the episode. Share the episode with it with, with a friend who might also benefit from living their life, authentically, living their truth. Hey. You never know. You could become truth buddies. You could help each other on your mutual journeys towards living your truth. And I shall leave you with this thought. Don’t trade your authenticity for approval.

Keith Blakemore-Noble [00:27:12]:
Bye for now.

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