One Size Does NOT Fit All!

Beware the coach or the guru selling you The One True Solution to your needs - one size definitely does NOT fit all!

Table of Contents

Have you ever bought an item of clothing, only to groan when you see the label claims “One size fits all“?

We know that in reality, this means they can only be bothered to make it in one size. A size which sort of fits perhaps most people with varying degrees of success. Although it never quite seems to fit anyone perfectly.

Not only that, there are a lot of people who it just does not fit at all.

Even those for who it sort-of fits, it still looks a bit wrong. It’s never quite as comfortable as it ought to be. We quickly realise that they actually mean “One size fits nobody properly!“.

The reality is that one size does NOT fit all.

Which is true for clothing, and it is also true for all things in life – whether that’s starting or growing a business, losing weight, stopping smoking, conquering a fear, overcoming depression, or any other change you wish to make.

One size does not fit all.

Sadly there are far too many people who will swear blind that they have The One True Way, and that if you follow their steps exactly (and only their steps) you will get whatever results you are seeking.

Which gets very enticing – after all, if Wealthy McEntrepreneur gives you the exact steps they took to be a billionaire, and you follow them, YOU are certain to become a billionaire too, right?


Well, no.

Sure,those steps worked for Wealthy McB, at the time they took those steps.

But even if Wealthy McB started from scratch today and followed those exact steps, chances are they’d NOT replicate their success.


Well, times are different, situations are different, results will be different.

Throw in to the mix that we are all different, and, well, you get the idea.

We are all different, different people have different needs, different way’s of working, and get different results even when doing the same thing.

It’s the same with coaching or mindset work too.

Different things will work for different people.

Which is why it is important for any competent expert with whom you work to recognise this and to make sure they tailor the solution to you and your specific situation.

A good expert will take time to work with you up front to fully understand your situation, your needs, the way you work, etc, BEFORE they prescribe The Solution.

For example, when clients consider working with me, before we reach the point of agreeing to work together we will usually have a chat to explore their situation, and see if it is even worth us working together. For example, not everyone feels comfortable with NLP and hypnosis. If they don’t, then it’s better for them to seek a practitioner who uses different modalities, more closely aligned with their view of the world. We are all different, after all.

Then if we do agree to work together, again there’s no scripted step-by-step approach. Everything is tailored to their specific needs and situation.

Which is why we get such great results, quickly.


Beware of anyone who takes the easy (for them) route and just dives straight in with “all the answers” without considering your situation. Especially when they use the same approach with everyone.

One size definitely does not fit all!

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Picture of Keith Blakemore-Noble

Keith Blakemore-Noble

Award-winning coach, international speaker, multi-time best-selling author, hypnotist, occasional magician, and writer of this post, Keith spent his first 40 years suffering from several phobias including being terrified of speaking with strangers. After one incident too many, he started studying and training in NLP & hypnosis to conquer his own issues, found he was rather good at it, and changed careers (aided by redundancy at just the right moment after 20 years in IT). He helps people transform their deepest fears into their greatest strengths, and having helped over 5,000 people across 5 continents, he is the UK's #1 Fear Strategist.