When you get your mindset locked on target, everything else falls in to place. It’s that fundamental.
Smoking is fundamentally a habit. A ver pernicious habit, one which is very good at preserving itself and making you think you have no alternatives. But it is just a habit.
We’ve probably all heard stories of people who have successfully quit smoking by going “cold turkey” – they just decide to stop, and never light up.
We’ve probably all also heard stories of people who have quit smoking and started again, repeating that cycle many times.
What’s the difference?
When your drive to be a non-smoker is strong enough, no amount of temptation will trick you into smoking again.
For some people, it’s just giving that extra little will-power boost.
For other people, there are deeper drivers to keep them smoking – even though they know it’s killing them, they get some hidden benefit from smoking, so their unconscious mind keeps them smoking to get that benefit (it might be the socialising aspect, or it might be smoking gets them a break from work, or any number of possibilities). By uncovering those hidden benefits and offering their unconscious mind alternative ways of getting them, it loses its desire to smoke, and quitting becomes easy.
Mindset is also key to avoiding relapses, and that forms a core part of our work together, to ensure you just never get sufficient urge to start smoking again.
“It’s all in the mind” they say.
Whether that’s true or not, what is true is that the right mindset makes all the difference between being stuck on the treadmill of continual yoyo dieting, and enjoying being the weight you want to be while living the lifestyle you want to live.