From Fear Of Flying and Heights to Flying High

I used to be terrified of flying and of driving over high bridges. Now I can drive over high bridges easily and I flew down to London without any problems!

Table of Contents

Liz came to see me about her phobia of flying. She said that even the thought of going to the airport was extremely stressful for her, let alone actually sitting in the plane and taking off. As you can imagine, it was causing a real problem for the family when they went on holidays.

We had a chat about her situation, and discovered that there were actually two phobias working together here – not only did she have a phobia of flying, but she also had a phobia of heights!  Naturally this had an impact on flying, but it also had a big impact on more day-to-day activities, including driving over bridges…

I found that I couldn’t go across a large bridge (living in Scotland there’s quite a few!), so if I wanted to go to Edinburgh or Perth I had to have somebody with me to drive over the bridge.

By the time she came to me, Liz had tried several other courses and programs to overcome her phobia, especially around flying, all to no avail.

He really put me at ease, we had a lot of fun, and he explained everything to me; since I had the session, my fear has gone.

Prior to our work together, even just talking about flying or crossing a high bridge, Liz would show visible signs of discomfort and she felt her palms getting sweaty. After we’d completed the session together? She was perfectly happy to talk about them, and to imagine crossing high bridges, to imagine going on a long flight, and felt absolutely fine about it.  Quite a change!

A few weeks later, I got a message from a very excited Liz –

“Keith just thought you would want to know I drove over the Perth bridge on Friday and today. I sailed over it without a hesitation or sweaty palms. I would also have done Forth Road Bridge if it had been open. I am curedย  Big Thank you!”.

โ€“ Liz Bruce, Moray, Scotland

Best of all, just before Christmas Liz and her family flew down to London, and flight which Liz managed without any pills and without experiencing any of her old symptoms. Indeed, it wasn’t until they were already in their London hotel after the flight down that Liz thought “I didn’t take my pills before flying. Oh, I guess I don’t need them anymore!”

In Her Own Words

“Hi my name is Liz, I’m from Scotland, and I had a terrible fear of flying and heights.

I’ve had it for many many years it got so bad that the thought of going on a plane, the thought of being in an airport, the take off, the whole flight was just extremely stressful for me, it wasn’t enjoyable one little bit, and it seemed to be getting worse and worse as the years went on.

I had actually tried various other courses which I didn’t feel had helped me.

I also have a fear of heights in particularly crossing bridges when I’m driving I have found that I couldn’t go across a large bridge and living in Scotland there’s quite a few so if I wanted to go over to Edinburgh or down to Perth I would have to have somebody driving with me or help me over the bridge.

I heard about Keith and decided that I would book a session with him so I met Keith and I found this session to be great – he really put me at ease. We had a lot of fun, he explained everything to me, what he was going to do and what the outcome would be and since I’ve had the session my fear is gone.

I had felt confident and right away I felt that my fear had gone and I don’t know why, I can’t really explain it, but when thinking about climbing up a hill or driving over a bridge or going on an airplane I don’t feel anything. I feel fine. Before I used to feel very anxious, the heart would start racing just at the thought of it – that’s all gone and I’m sure it’s down to Keith.

I would highly recommend visiting Keith if you do have a phobia or a fear of something.”

Need Some Help?

If you have a fear or a phobia which is holding you back, stopping you from doing the things you want in life, and you want to conquer it completely – just like Liz did – then I can help.

Check out Freedom From Phobia to explore your options, and get in touch – let’s help you to conquer your fear once and for all!

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Picture of Keith Blakemore-Noble

Keith Blakemore-Noble

Award-winning coach, international speaker, multi-time best-selling author, hypnotist, occasional magician, and writer of this post, Keith spent his first 40 years suffering from several phobias including being terrified of speaking with strangers. After one incident too many, he started studying and training in NLP & hypnosis to conquer his own issues, found he was rather good at it, and changed careers (aided by redundancy at just the right moment after 20 years in IT).ย He helps people transform their deepest fears into their greatest strengths, and having helped over 5,000 people across 5 continents, he is the UK's #1 Fear Strategist.