When you buy something, are you buying because YOU want to buy? Or are you buying because THEY want you to buy?
How would you even know the difference?
There are countless unscrupulous individuals and businesses out there, each with a very strong vested interest in you buying their stuff – whether that’s products, courses, services, or even ideas, beliefs, and theories.
So strong is their need for you to buy from them, that they will stop at nothing in their attempts to manipulate you into buying.
Imagine if you could find out about their approaches, so that you could protect yourself?
In AntiManipulation, Keith Blakemore-Noble helps to give you the upper hand by showing just how the unscrupulous attempt to manipulate us.
The book explores the base upon which this manipulation is built.
It them looks at several different methods of manipulation, understanding how the are applied, learning how we can spot and counter them.
It finishes by taking a more in-depth look at one of the most popular avenues for mass manipulation, the Live Event. Here, the book breaks down many of the more common, effective, and popular manipulative approaches, helping the reader to be better able to spot them and to counter them.
Which means that you can protect yourself and only buy when YOU want to.
Keith uses his extensive experience of NLP and hypnosis (as a coach and trainer for well over a decade) and shares how these and other tools are abused by unscrupulous individuals and companies to seek to manipulate us into buying their stuff – whether that be products, services, courses, or ideas, beliefs, ideologies.
AntiManipulation – it’s time you took back control!
Could YOU Be Manipulated?
“What Have You Got Against Selling?”
Persuasion versus Manipulation
What is NLP?
Pit of Despair
Leading Questions
Yes Train
Language Overview
Hypnotic Language Patterns
Logical Fallacies
Metaphors and Stories
What is FOMO?
Price Rises
Fake Scarcity
FOMO Headline Examples
The Power of Three
Misattributed and Misleading Quotes
Bogus Competitions
Influencer Photos
Awards and Best-sellers
Misusing Natural Phenomena
Keeping You Drained
Other Approaches
“Run to the Back of the Room”
Get The Attendees To Sell To Each Other
Echo Chamber
Hydroxyl Acid
The AntiManipulation Movement
Further Reading
About the Author
Also by Keith Blakemore-Noble
Interesting, eye-opening, thought provoking, and at times, down right scary! You are definitely going to recognise many of these tactics and, after reading this, will feel more confident to make informed decisions!
– Jody Fletcher, Director of Chilli Promotional Products Ltd
This book, AntiManipulation, is the one I wish I’d written! It’s a belter.
– Brad Burton, UK’s #1 Motivational Business Speaker
Ignorance is bliss they say – I definitely disagree after reading this book! We want to think that we make our own decisions, but this book shows us differently and it definitely armed me and got me better guarded in minimising everyday manipulations around us. Talk about common sense only being common after the fact – I recognise a lot of it now, after reading about it! Knowledge is power. Keith has empowered me through this book – forewarned and forearmed.
– Michelle Leong, Lean Specialist, Author of Being Lean
I wish this book was available before lockdown, where online courses were being sold unethically and unchecked. The bait being a free course just to give enough away, then the hook which was limited time deals. By which time people were emotionally invested. I know a few people personally who were caught like this and were shocked they had been manipulated. Keith’s succinct and brilliant description keeps you reading this book. It will change how you think about being sold to. Even if you are wise enough never to be manipulated, read this book.
– Charlotte Yeates, MD of CY Safety Ltd
Keith uses his vast experience and wealth of knowledge to take the reader through various ways in which we are manipulated by sellers to buy things we didn’t need, or ones at a higher cost than we originally needed. Armed with the content of this book, the prospect of buying things will be a much safer environment.
– Duncan Jay, Director of HSA Accountants Ltd
I love the simplicity in the set out of this book, the history behind the book, and the explanation of the ways in which manipulation works. It truly gets one thinking.
– Kay Downie, The Soul Mechanic
In a world that is riddled with subtle manipulation, why do we so easily fall for it all the time? These people, using these techniques, are amazing at what they do. But with a little education we can easily understand when it starts to happen to us. When Keith first approached me with the idea of Anti Manipulation I was so happy. This stuff needs to be shared far and wide to keep people as safe as possible around the world. Amazing work Keith.
– Paul Newton, Founder of MentalTheft
I always thought that I was quite a hard person to sell to; but some of the practices contained in these pages tells me that I thought wrong. As someone who has worked in sales, I have seen some of these underhanded tactics being used first hand, salespeople get trained to fuel the want and feed the greed and this book will help the general public to recognise the signs of manipulative practices so that less people fall for them. Great work Keith!
– Tony Edwards, Bitsmart Technology Ltd
What can I say? Keith’s book is just brilliant. I was the person that said “Oh I can’t be manipulated” BUT reading this book has made me realise that I certainly can! I fell in love with the book and how helpful it really is.
– Amy Thorpe from Amy’s Aphrodities
Keith writes like he speaks: knowledgeably, calmly, and in a clear way that makes any subject understandable. This book will fine tune your spidey-senses so they tingle when people are trying to manipulate you into doing things their way, rather than doing what’s best for you. Just read it, you’ll be glad you did.
– Sylvia R Poll, Spanish the Fun Way
Keith’s knowledge is on this subject is vast and often leads to wonderful conversations. By writing this book he has given everyone the chance to gain part of this knowledge. AntiManipulation allows you to feel in control, and to have a greater knowledge of the tactics which ultimately can leave us feeling like we didn’t have a choice. Simply put, Keith gives us an opportunity to see things in a different way, things we’ve often questioned. Everyone should read this.
– Stacey Calder, founder of Business Success Network
Click the button to buy a signed copy directly from me.
Alternatively, you can buy in in paperback from all good bookstores including Amazon, Barnes & Noble. and Waterstones.
Or get the eBook from Amazon (Kindle) Apple (iPad/iPhone/Mac), or Kobo.
Print length : 234 pages
Language : English
Publication date : 4th March 2023
Publisher : Be Your Change
Dimensions : 15.24 x 1.24 x 22.86 cm
Weight : 362g
Paperback ISBN : 978-0-9931625-6-5
eBook ISBN : 978-0-9931625-97-2
A significant portion of the costs of bringing this book to market were met thanks to a Crowdfunder campaign run in late 2022.
A massive thank you to the following for their kind and generous support of the campaign, without whom th ebook would almost certainly still not have seen the light of day – Alfie McGarthland, Aly Smith, Brad Burton, Callum John Brown, Callum Widdowson, Carl Ford, Caroline Andrew-Johnstone, Chris Adlam, Craig Smith, David Krushell, Duncan Jay, Elke Hausler, Ian & Muriel Noble, Jen Hinds, Jenny Leggott, Jesse Lawrence, Jody Fletcher, KT Moran, Karen Duncan, Kath Parrington, Kay Downie, Laura Jewell-Fear, Linda Reynolds, Maria Poswinycz, Michael Beeson, Mike Douglas, Paul Newton, Pippa Whitfield, Richard Eaton, Senga Smith Grant, Simon Pittman, Steve Westrop, Sylvia R Poll, Toni Sharp, Tony Edwards, Yasmin Cook.